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Through the Gates of Purgatory

You know, these last couple weeks leading up to leaving, so many people were asking me,"Jeremy? Are you nervous?" and the honest answer was always "No. I've been waiting six months for this. It's about damn time I'm leaving." And let's be honest, who in my position would not be exhilarated by the idea of an adventure such as this. After graduation my life consisted of working at a liquor store and drinking with a bunch of degenerates (degenerates who I am going to miss immeasurably, but I digress).

These last six months were the equivalent of purgatory. Your waiting in a world with no drive, no passion, no significance, knowing that there is something beyond this world so challenging and yet so beautiful, it mockingly tantalizes you every day of your existence.

I do have to admit, however, fear was starting to set in during my first plane ride to Philadelphia. The reality of what is about to become my new life was finally starting to gnaw at me; neurons firing worst case scenarios and second guesses in all corners of my cognizance.

My apprehensions didn't last long.

What was really causing this fear, was being away from my support system. I cannot express how sad it feels to leave behind such a wonderful family and a squadron of loyal friends that have stood by me over the years. But, one of the few things I have learned through my brief experience with beginning a new life in a foreign country, is that a new support system will slowly manifest itself. I began imagining blank faces, shadows of human beings that will become great friendships. This amicable foreshadowing was what caused my fear to fade away.

I know these next two years will not be easy, hell, this will probably be the most difficult two years of my life, but I know I'll be fine. In fact, I'll probably thrive. I have too much passion for international development to go down easy. The only thing that I could think of, that could mayyyyybe cause me to quit, is like, a fatal illness...or maybe being mauled by a jaguar.... The snakes are pretty big here too...

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